Monday, December 7, 2015

Do animals have souls?

Each and every animal has a unique, eternally preserved identity and consciousness according to Christian Science.

"God is the Life, or intelligence, which forms and preserves the individuality and identity of animals as well as men." (pg. 550 Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy).

In a nutshell, our beloved pets- who we've learned respond and reciprocate affection, memory etc. have an eternal spiritual identity. But so do every one of the 56 billion farm animals killed every year for food.

It is worth noting that in 1900 there were 1.5 billion humans on Earth, and today there are 7 billion and growing.

(photo credit: by Mehico

Monday, November 23, 2015

Is your Christian Science branch Church not cutting it for you?

We can wait for church and church members to be perfect, or we can see church and church members spiritually as perfect right now, and work 'backwards' with it from that higher vantage point.

Thursday, July 9, 2015





Super thankful

Super generous 

Super kind

This is divine 


(photo credit: amboo who? Be thankful;